The automotive industry in Saxony started more than 110 years ago, and nowadays is one of the most important economic activity not only in the region but also in Germany. The automotive production in Saxony employs about 95,000 people, involve 780 suppliers and 5 OEMs and produce about 720,000 cars every year. This has driven the development of innovative projects by top R&D institutions in the fields of electric mobility, lightweight construction, battery technology and automatization. The AMZ was founded in 1999 with the aim of centralising and coordinating the innovation activities of automotive suppliers in Saxony. Formed by a staff of experienced engineers, the AMZ has realised more than 300 projects, over 315 presentations to OEMs/Tiers1 and 70 supplier workshops. Its network is integrated by more than 140 members, including R&D, suppliers, mechanical engineering & production equipment, and industrial services.