On 21st June 2022 at 11:00 a.m. in Bydgoszcz (Poland) took place a networking meeting Kolej Na Współpracę Biznes – Nauka – Edukacja.
The meeting was organized by Bydgoszcz Industrial Cluster Tool Valley, Polska Izba Producentów Urządzeń i Usług na Rzecz Kolei and Bydgoszcz University of Technology.
During first part of the event organizers presented themselves. Then participants went to the laboratories of the Department of Mechanical Engineering to show research capabilities of the university.
The meeting was also an opportunity to present the members of the organizations – both in the form of traditional presentation, as well as on stands. The participants had a possibility to exchange information and experience as a basis for achieving synergy of science and business in the railway sector. The aim of the meeting was to integrate entrepreneurs associated in these organizations and the scientific community of Bydgoszcz University of Technology, and to exchange of experience and good practices.